Transportation Systems Modeling


TRANSIMS Training Course
January 27-29, 2009
Moreno Valley, CA


Dr. Hubert Ley
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 The Transportation Research and Analysis Computing Center at Argonne National Laboratory has held several training courses on TRANSIMS. The courses originated from the need to train several groups of students and collaborators that work on a major evacuation study for Chicago under a project for the Illinois Department of Transportation and other regional agencies.

The course is targeting primarily analysts new to the TRANSIMS methodology, and covers both the theoretical underpinnings as well as the practical application of the code. Participants will develop a full understanding of the general TRANSIMS principles, implementation details, data requirements, capabilities, and limitations of the software.
TRANSIMS (short for Transportation Analysis and Simulation System) is an integrated set of tools developed to conduct regional multimodal transportation system analyses. With the goal of establishing TRANSIMS as an ongoing public resource available to the transportation community, TRANSIMS is made available by the Federal Highway Administration under a NASA Open Source Agreement and is therefore readily available to the community.

The TRANSIMS software is compatible with regular Windows and Linux desktop or server systems, but can also make use of high performance computing systems such as the TRACC cluster, a 512 core Linux system with 180TB of disk space and extremely fast network connections across the United States. This cluster is generally available to researchers in the US transportation community and is currently being used for TRANSIMS traffic simulation, emergency evacuation modeling, computational fluid dynamics for bridge analysis, and structural mechanics codes to determine crashworthiness and structural integrity of highway components and vehicles.

Recordings of the January 2009 Training Course in Moreno Valley
The individual sessions held at the January 2009 Training Course have been recorded using Acrobat Connect (the software used to hold the Intenet-based training sessions). The only software necessary to view these sessions is the Flash Player, which is typically already installed on nearly all standard Windows PCs.

Table of ContentsAdobe Connect Recording Links
TRANSIMS Background at TRACC URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
Introduction to TRANSIMS URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
The TRANSIMS Road and Transit Network URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
The TRANSIMS Router URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
The TRANSIMS Microsimulator URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
Four-Step-Model Trip Conversion URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
The TRANSIMS Framework URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
TRANSIMS Control Files URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
TRANSIMS Feedback and Convergence URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
TRANSIMS Partitioning and Parallelization URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
TRANSIMS Resources URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
TRANSIMS Subarea Modeling URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
TRANSIMS GIS Tools URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
TRANSIMS Hands-On Demo of the Chicago Model URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo